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A Genealogy Blog by Irene Koch

Welcome to my family story!
To find out about the countries in my ethnicity report, look for any posts with the tag "Grab Your Passport!" To find out about the places in the U.S. where my ancestors lived and who lived there, look for any posts with the tag "America the Beautiful!"

Home: Welcome


Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. It is my hometown, but, more importantly, it is Beyoncé's hometown. All hail...

Central Texas

Texas is the third largest state in the U.S. The distance between Houston and El Paso is half the distance between Houston and LA. When I...


Anyone who knows me well knows it's no surprise my ancestors lived in Nashville (if you want any country music requests, drop me a line....


Ohio! A fun, exciting state with plenty of things to do and never a dull day! (This is the part where you say "come on, Irene",...

England and Wales

the-guide-to-successful-photography-blogging Welcome to England! Pictured are some ships from the 17th or 18th century, probably similar...


Welcome to Ireland! Pictured is are the gorgeous Cliffs of Moher near Galway, Ireland. I have 30% Irish ancestry, and the DNA report...

Germanic Europe

Welcome to Germany! Pictured is the quaint little village of Gammertingen in southwest Germany. I have about 30% Germanic Europe DNA....

Eastern European Catch-All

Welcome to Eastern Europe! Pictured is the town of Ostrava in the current-day Czech Republic. I should explain. England, Ireland, and...

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